BBC micro:bit
Rotary Encoder Class


A rotary encoder has a knob to rotate a little bit like a rotary potentiometer. One big difference is that the knob can be rotated continuously. When I first connected a rotary encoder to the micro:bit, I used the button pins (5 and 11) because they had been configured differently to the other GPIO pins and in a way that was useful for rotary encoders. Since then, additional features have been added to MicroPython making it easy to use them on other pins.

This page contains a class for working with rotary encoders. I wrote this to help work with the circuit shown below, which has two rotary encoders.

micro:bit circuit

Connecting A Rotary Encoder

There are 3 pins for a rotary encoder, usually referred to as A, B and GND. Connect them up to your choice of GPIO pins as follows.

micro:bit circuit

Rotary Encoder Class

from microbit import *

class rotary:
    def __init__(self,pina,pinb):
        self.pina = pina
        self.pinb = pinb
        self.lastA = False
    # returns -1 (ccw), 0 no change, 1 (cw)
    def read(self):
        a = self.pina.read_digital()
        b = self.pinb.read_digital()
        check = self.lastA
        self.lastA = a
        if not a and check:
            if b:
                return -1
                return 1
            return 0

Using The Class

In the image at the top of the page, the rotary encoder on the left is connected to pins 0 and 1. The one on the right is connected to pins 8 and 12. The program allows the user to move a dot around the LED matrix by rotating the left encoder to move horizontally and the right one to move vertically.

from microbit import *

class rotary:
    def __init__(self,pina,pinb):
        self.pina = pina
        self.pinb = pinb
        self.lastA = False
    # returns -1 (ccw), 0 no change, 1 (cw)
    def read(self):
        a = self.pina.read_digital()
        b = self.pinb.read_digital()
        check = self.lastA
        self.lastA = a
        if not a and check:
            if b:
                return -1
                return 1
            return 0

lft = rotary(pin0,pin1)
rgt = rotary(pin8,pin12)
x = 2
y = 2
while True:
    l =
    r =
    if l!=0 or r!=0:
        if l==1:
            x += 1
        elif l==-1:
            x -= 1
        if r==1:
            y += 1
        elif r==-1:
            y -= 1
        x = max(0, min(x, 4))
        y = max(0, min(y, 4))