1 Setting Up

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Create 3 sprites using the graphics provided. Call the sprites, spr_mole, spr_barrel_front and spr_barrel_back, .

Game Maker Screenshot
Game Maker Screenshot
Game Maker Screenshot

We need to take care when creating the objects. When Game Maker draws objects on the screen it does so in order of their depth. The higher the depth, the earlier it is drawn. We want our objects to be drawn on the screen in the following order,

  • Back Of Barrel
  • Mole
  • Front Of Barrel

The back of the barrel will have a depth of 2, the mole will have a depth of 1 and the front of the barrel will have a depth of 0. Screenshots of each of the 3 object windows are shown below,

Game Maker Screenshot
Game Maker Screenshot
Game Maker Screenshot

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