6 Extending The Game
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We're still in very basic territory with this game aren't we. There is a lot to do to get this game to a point where we can package it up for a player.
More Tiles
This game usually has different coloured tiles. The tiles are arranged in patterns. Different tiles should get a different score, or might behave differently.
More Points Tiles - copy the tile object you already have. Create a new tile sprite for the new object. Increase the number of points for the object and add some to the room. You will need to add to the game controller object a check for these new tiles in the begin step event.
Tiles Which Don't Disappear - copy the tile object you already have. Create a new tile sprite for the new object. Change the collision event in the new item so that no score is received and the tile is not destroyed.
Tiles You Hit Twice - copy the tile object you already have. Create a new tile sprite for the new object. Add a create event and set a variable to 0. In the collision event with the ball, add 1 to the variable. Check if the variable is equal to 2. If it is, destroy the instance.
Tiles Which You Don't Bounce Off - - copy the tile object you already have. Create a new tile sprite for the new object. Make sure that the object is not solid.
You could create power-ups which are created when certain tiles are hit. The power-up could fall down the screen and disappear if it reaches the bottom. If it is caught on the bat, something happens (score increase, change bat sprite to something largeer or smaller, change ball sprite to something larger or smaller, make ball move quicker slower etc.)