Visual Basic 2005 Guide
The Select Case Statement
The Select .. Case statement works in a very similar way to the If statement but is more useful when you have a lot of conditions to examine. The following code will message box the month which corresponds to a number input by the user. The code assumes a text box called txtMonth and should be run when a button is clicked.
Dim intMonth As Integer
intMonth = txtMonth.Text
Select Case intMonth
Case 1
MsgBox "January"
Case 2
MsgBox "February"
Case 3
MsgBox "March"
{ This carries on up to 12 as you would expect }
Case Else
Msgbox "Enter a number from 1 -12 "
End Select
Finish the code and create a working program.
The Case part of this structure works in a similar way to the If statement. It can be written differently though for different situations. Look at the examples below.
Case 0 To 15 | Tests whether the value is from 0 to 15 |
Case Is <40 | Tests whether the value is less than 40 |
Case 1, 3, 5 | Tests whether the value is 1, 3 or 5 |
Programming Tasks
1. Write a program which allows the user to input the number of a month (from 1 to 12). Your program should tell them how many days are in that month.
2. Write a program that tells a tired old teacher what grade to give a student's work. The teacher should input a number from 0 to 100. Marks below 40 are graded fail, marks from 40 to 59 are graded pass. 60 or more marks will earn a merit and 80 or more scores a distinction.