Visual C# (Windows) Guide
Programming Challenges
Once you have programmed all o fthe samples and exercises in this guide, you will need to set yourself some challenges in order to move your programming on a level. The best type of challenge is one you think you should be able to complete but that seems slightly out of your reach. Bridging the gap between what you know you can do and what you think you might be able to is how you learn new skills. Using the MSDN is vital, there is almost always a solution to whatever problem you come across.
- Hangman Program - with graphics and a lovely user-interace.
- Drag & Drop Quiz - with lovely graphics
- Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - with all of the irritating features of the TV show
- Deal or No Deal - all you need to work out is how the banker makes offers (you could just use the median).
- Solitaire - some types of solitaire are easier than others
- Scientific/Graphical Calculator - some of you mathmo types might want to show off a bit here, needs features that aren't in other examples of the type
- Media Player/Music Database - a database or XML project
- Binary/Hexadecimal Converter - some number base action
- Graphics Editing Tool - a program that allows you to view an image file on screen and change all pixels of a particular colour to another specified by the user
- One-Armed Bandit - make a slot machine simulator with lovely animation and virtual prizes
- Desktop Wallpaper Changer - make a tool that changes the wallpaper on startup. Create tools to allow the user to add and remove images from the selection list
- Yahtzee - make a computer version of the classic dice game
- Countdown Numbers Game - the key to solving this one is the user interface for entering the solution
- Wordsearch - make an application that loads a text file of words, places the words randomly in a grid and fills in the blank spaces with random letters. You need a method of selecting the word in the grid in order to register that it has been found.
- Pie Chart Maker - Use the GDI+ drawing library to create an application that generates a pie chart from a given set of values and labels. A nice feature would be the ability to save the chart that is created. Labels and/or a legend for the chart would also be nice.