Python For GCSE
Section G Exercises

Remember to test your text files after each task to makes sure that you have the text you expected.

Task 1

Write a program that creates a text file called task1.txt which contains only the text Hello World.

Task 2

Write a program that creates a text file called task2.txt which contains the phrases Hello World and Goodbye World, written on separate lines.

Task 3

Write a program that opens your task2.txt file in append mode. Write some text to the end of the file.

Task 4

Copy the following.

h = "Hello"
w = "World"
g = "Goodbye"

Write a program that creates a file called task4.txt, containing the same content as the one you made for task 2, this time by using the contents of the variables.

Task 5

Study the following,

a = open("a.txt","w")
for i in range(1,13):
    a.write(str(i) + "x" + " some other stuff" + "\n")


It contains enough in the way of hints to allow you to create a program that outputs the 2 times table to a text file called task5.txt.

Task 6

Use your experience in the previous task to output all of the times tables (2s to 12s) into a single text file called task6.txt.

Task 7

names = ["Albert", "Bennet", "Charleston", "Denby", "Elfin",
         "Fishface", "Garbo", "Hubert", "Indigo", "Jelly"]

Write a program that outputs these names, one per line, to a text file called task7.txt.

Task 8

The chr() function allows you to output a character from an ASCII code. The ASCII code for an A is 65. The rest of the alphabet follows. Write a program that outputs the alphabet to a text file called task8.txt, one letter per line.