Introduction To Ruby
String Handling

As with any programming language, Ruby has methods and statements that assist with processing information that is stored as a string of characters.

Characters & Substrings

The example shows how you can access and assign values to the parts of a string.

# Characters & Substrings

the_string = "some text"
puts "The string: #{the_string}"

a = the_string.length
puts "#{a} characters in the string"

print "\nFirst character: "
print the_string[0]
print "\n"

print "Last character: "
print the_string[-1]
print "\n"

print "Last but one character: "
print the_string[-2]
print "\n"

print "Change last character: "
the_string[-1] = "T"
puts "The string: #{the_string}"

print "First 4 characters: "
print the_string[0,4]
print "\n"

print "Characters 3 - 7: "
print the_string[2..6]
print "\n"


Iteration With Strings

You can use Ruby's iteration structures to access all elements within a string.

# Strings

the_string = "some text"
puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# using each_char

the_string.each_char {|a| puts a}

# using a for in loop

for x in 0..the_string.length do
  puts the_string[x]


String Methods

The example demonstrates some of the things you can do with a string. Where there is an exclamation mark at the end of a method, that means that the method changes the string. If you don't want to change the original string, leave out the exclamation mark and assign the value to another variable. This has been done with the reverse example.

# Strings

the_string = "some text"
puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# Convert to sentence case

puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# Toggle cases

puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# Convert to lower case

puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# Convert to upper case

puts "The string: #{the_string}"

# Includes?

if the_string.include? "ME" then
puts "String includes 'ME'"

# Reverse

a = the_string.reverse
puts "Reversed: #{a}"



The best challenge to undertake for working with strings is to make a simple hangman program. There is a fair amount to plan for such a task. You can replace the pictures of the hanged man by simply having a limited number of incorrect guesses. You should display the word on screen using a * for the letters. When a correct letter is guessed, you display the word showing the correctly guessed letters in place, asterisks for the ones that haven't been guessed yet.